[Author's Note: This song just screams "Heero and Relena!" but since I specialize in Quatre fics, it's Q/Dot. ^_^ Lyrics have been modified to suit the proper gender]

Dedicated to my little sis, who said she'd hate me if I ever wrote a songfic to Backstreet Boys. Heehee. ^_^

Shape of My Heart
by Backstreet Boys

Quatre sits in his office gazing at a letter in his hand. It asks that he meet someone at the park outside of the business section of the city. He looks a bit puzzled, but somewhere inside his mind comes a spark of an idea of who it is.

As dusk falls Quatre arrives at the park and meanders down the dirt path toward a large fountain. He casually carries his suit jacket and when he sits on the stone ledge of the fountain he loosens his tie. Then he glances down into the pool of crisp, clear water, sighing at the face reflected back: nineteen year old eyes that have seen too much, a pale face already showing shadows of lines from weariness. Invisible to others but plain to him are the scars of battle...
He smiles wistfully at the reflection, reminding himself that the person it showed still held on to a kindness that surpassed the war that had challenged it.
Unbeknownst to him the author of the note has arrived and is currently hiding behind the dark trunk of a tree, watching him. Dorothy notes the expression on his face.
She wrings her hands nervously, but tries to remind herself that she is not a weak-willed or shy, delicate maiden. Still, the butterflies in her stomach are involuntary.
Dorothy closes her eyes to will away the nerves, but instead an image arises in her mind to serve to reiterate her hesitation: memories of herself during the siege on Libra, where she was giving out orders then disappearing to the place she knew she would face Quatre again -- and this time defeat him. But, in truth, he had won.
At last she silently steps free of the shadows, moving toward him like a ghost in a blue evening gown. When he suddenly looks up she freezes. But even as he begins to speak, words tumble from her mouth in a long-awaited apology and admission of fears.
Quatre smiles after she is through which confuses her. He wipes a stray tear from her cheek then tells her that he is proud of her for confronting him and admits that he was glad for their meeting on Libra, for it helped him see another side to the effects of war.
Dorothy, with reluctance, smiles and thanks him. Awkwardly they both search for more to say, while seeing each other in a different light beyond the roles they had held during the war.
On impulse she leans forward and kisses him briefly. He pulls away but then smiles and clasps her hand in his, leading her away from the fountain while suggesting a nice dinner to celebrate their reunion, his treat.

Back to A Minor Variation

(c) 2000-2004 Autumn Loweck. This work may not be copied, distributed, or reprinted without the author's permission. Characters of Quatre and Dorothy belong to the creators of the GundamWing series, Sotsu Agency, Sunrise, Bandai, and whoever else in Japan involved in this most cool anime.

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