Christmas 2010

Merry Theabella!

Theabella posing in front of the tree. Just when I get around to taking photos, she decides she isn't going to sit under the tree anymore.

Top Tier

I set up the village on the living room desk this year. It...sort of worked? Here's the top half. I happened to find the blue cloth with the snowflakes in a box of decorations I wasn't even going to use; I don't remember who put it together, but it was perfect to hang above the village

Bottom Tier

The lower half, using an ornament box for an extra platform. The felines like to play Attack Of The 50 Foot Cat on the poor ice-skaters in the middle there. Usually once a day I have to pick up the trees and clock tower. All of the people came separately so they're neither in scale with the houses nor each other.

Whole Village

The whole (blurry) set up.

Home is where the hearth is

With all the lights on! =D Each house has a battery-powered tea light inside that you turn on with a little button. It takes longer to light them than using a string of lights, but the effect is worth it. :) Each one flickers slightly. The miniature tree beside the church has its own battery pack, too. I also have battery-operated street lights but couldn't get them set up in a satisfactory manner, plus the issue of the cats getting into everything.

Next year, folding table!

Uh, and pardon T.K.'s ball of yarn. I didn't notice it was there until later.

Hark! Hockey sticks.

Here is the entire holiday set up, two trees, Santa poster, and...ornament boxes with junk on top of them because I do not plan photo shoots very well. All of the ornaments on the tree were handmade, most of them by my mom and a few by me (notice the wacky Christmas tree on the lower right). My mom also made the Santa poster. He's holding his Naughty or Nice List, which has been edited over the years to include the names of new friends and new children of friends. =)

Merry Christmas!!