Enter the Court of Miracles

What if you could go to the cemetary in Paris, yourself, and find the secret entrance to the old sewers? What if you could wander the tunnels under the city and eventually find the Court of Miracles? What if you could make your home there, in the hidden Gypsy kingdom, and spend time with your friends?
Now you can.
Using the free ActiveWorlds browser (AWB) from the ActiveWorlds' site, you too can enter the Virtual Court of Miracles. Simply download the AWB install file, run it to install the AWB, and come see new worlds. Go to AlphaWorld and teleport to 1485S 1014E 90, and you'll be at the cemetery gates. You can download my Using AW Fast-Track Guide (6k zip file) and be chatting, teleporting, and running around like an experienced user in minutes.
Once you've seen the Court in person, raise your tent there to make it your home. I can link to your Hunchback page, online character pictures, or whatever you like, should you so desire. If you'd like to have a look at the Virtual Court of Miracles before installing the AWB, have a look at some snapshots of tents already built there; but understand that in the actual Court they look better, are three-dimensional, and you can walk right in. And you can go there with friends and run around the Court together. I also have a pictorial of what you have to do to get from the Cemetary Gates to the Court of Miracles - in case you need any clues.